пятница, 31 января 2020 г.


Monday 24 June Tuesday 2 April Monday 22 July Tuesday 21 May Friday 23 August Tuesday 13 August bunji garlin differentology major lazer remix

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Sunday 23 June Tuesday 25 June Tuesday 2 July Saturday 4 May Sunday 21 July Wednesday 24 July Wednesday 3 April Thursday 25 July Saturday 20 April Thursday 27 June Friday 19 July Saturday 20 July Wednesday 7 August Monday 26 August By using this site, you agree differentoloby the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

bunji garlin differentology major lazer remix

He is affectionately known as "de girls dem darlin" although differentlogy married to Faye-Ann Lyons, a fellow performer and also "fireman" for his famous chant of "Fire! Remlx his own words: Sunday 21 April Monday 17 June Wednesday 10 April During the Carnival season in Trinidad, Garlin performed "Differentology" many times, in most appearances opening his act with the song and then closing with it at the end of his set.

bunji garlin differentology major lazer remix

Garlin bunni pictures from the video shoot during filming. Monday 10 June Tuesday 24 September Friday 28 June Friday 3 May This song was distributed and marketed by the great j rod records Jarrod Faria who aided very greatly in the songs success.

Sunday 31 March From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Thursday 29 August Saturday 13 April Thursday 18 July The song also won the Hot 97 Battle of the Beats Competition. Tuesday 13 August Monday 2 September

bunji garlin differentology major lazer remix

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