You may receive emails, depending on your notification preferences. The initial images are taken from both sensors and are by These videos were acquired between November and May There are a total of 22, near-IR face images, coming from two subject-sessions. Cancel Copy to Clipboard. The data set contains 11, TIFF files. Digital Object Identifier
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Your research institution must request the copy on behalf of the Principle Investigator, and two software license agreements must be signed the first of which has as its very first condition that it is forbidden for anyone datqbase than U. Ground truth information for subject identities and social groups is included to facilitate future research in vision-driven social network analysis.
Boukamcha Hamdi view profile. This data set spans three years, to Search Support Clear Filters.
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Based on your location, we recommend that you select: This data set contains 3D face scans for pairs of twins. Digital Object Identifier A set of 3D head models.

Since all the identities in this dataset are synthetic, i. In principle, techniques like deblurring and super-resolution should yield afce by de-emphasizing noise and increasing signal in an input image. All images are x and were captured by a Merlin-Uncooled camera purchased from Indigo Systems in Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers.
Doyle and Kevin W. The database contains 14 crowd videos catabase 90 subjects, five of whom appear in multiple videos and 85 of whom appear in one video. This data set contains 24, color photographs of the faces of attendees at the Twins Days Festivals in Twinsburg, Ohio in and This data set contains iris images of subjects without contact lenses, with soft contact lenses, and with cosmetic contact lenses, acquired using an LG and an IrisGuard AD iris sensor.
To obtain this data set, you must agree to, and your institution must execute, both the data license agreement and the permission form.
dayabase The image collection comprises visible-light and near-IR face images of subjects acquired from fall to spring The database contains original images and altered images.
It is used in the paper: A total of subjects frgx both visible-light and near-IR face images collected in one or more sessions in fall and also one or more sessions in spring Information about the PaSC effort may be found at http: An Error Occurred Unable to complete the action because of changes made to the page.
Face REcognition Grand Challenge Database version - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central
To obtain this data set, retrieve ffrgc license agreement and follow instructions above. Upon our receipt and approval of the license agreement, download instructions will be sent to the licensee via e-mail. It corresponds to the data set used in a chapter in the book: Cancel Copy to Clipboard. The ND data set contains a total of 13, images containing 6 different types of expressions Neutral, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, Disgust and Other.
Information about the FRGC program may be found here. The "known spoofs" dataset includes images of textured contact lenses produced by Ciba, UCL and ClearLab as in the training set and images of authentic irises.
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We are committed to releasing all data collated to eligible research groups, with appropriate controls to forbid on-line distribution outside the research community. You are now following this question You will see updates in your activity feed. Datasets We have been collecting data sets and conducting baseline and advanced personal identification studies using biometric measurements. You may receive emails, depending on your notification preferences.

In the basic part of the dataset there is one image per left and right iris of each of males and females, for total images.
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